Volunteer Hands Needed for Salvation Army Red Kettle Drive

Salvation Army

Help Center press release

Once again it’s time for the Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign. Salvation Army bells and Christmas go together like reindeer and antlers. Volunteers are needed to “ring those bells” and collect donations for those in need in Henderson County. As the “army behind the Army” volunteer bell ringers play a crucial role in the Salvation Army’s ability to provide services.

It’s 1891 in San Francisco and Salvation Army Captain Jospeh McFee resolved to provide a free Christmas dinner to the needy there. From his days as a sailor McFee remembered a large “pot” displayed on the stage landing that took in donations. So a large crab pot was placed on a tripod and the Salvation Army “Kettle” was born. McFee’s call of “keep the pot boiling” drew in much needed donations. Now the Red Kettle Campaign is used worldwide. The campaign is traditionally kicked off during halftime of the Dallas Cowboys Thanksgiving Day football game.

Last year, the local Salvation Army Service Unit Red Kettle Campaign collected $13,392.86 to be used for direct assistance for families in need. Every penny of those funds was used to assist the needy right here in Henderson County. Kim Hodges at First State Bank coordinates all the funds that go into the account, and all the funds that are expended from the account. The Board governs the funds, and how they are dispensed.

Serving on the Athens Service Center Board this year are: Police Chief Buddy Hill as Chairman, Leslie Saunders, Executive Director of the Henderson County HELP Center as Secretary, Kim Hodges of First State Bank as Treasurer and board member, John Youngblood.

The Salvation Army does work closely with the United Way Helpline to screen families and their needs for assistance. Any resident of Henderson County with a need may come apply for assistance through the United Way Helpline at the Henderson County HELP Center, 309 Royal St., Athens, TX. (903) 675-4357. All applicants are screened and evaluated for their level of need.

Volunteers from Kiwanis, Rotary, local businesses, 4-H groups and church groups have taken the “challenge” to collect the most during their shifts. The “fattest” kettle challenge so to speak. If you have a desire to volunteer to help change lives, support our neighbors in need and be a “bell ringer” for the Salvation Army please contact the Henderson County HELP Center at 903-675-4357.