Around the Town: Guest Writer Billy Bucher and the Shed

10610629_10202905143531423_5287520346268552379_n (5)I’m happy to introduce Billy Bucher, musician and music activities volunteer at Cedar Lake Nursing Home, as guest columnist this week. He will be filling in for me from time to time. I think you will like what you see.–Loretta Humble

By Billy Bucher

There have been a lot of wonderful things happen to me since I moved from Dallas to Malakoff six months ago but certainly one of the most magical things I did was to find the Shed in Edom. Even the drive to Edom is magical. I turned left at Brownsboro where I drove over a high railroad track and then followed 5 miles of winding road to the jewel box of a town called Edom.

I pulled up to a stop sign and looked to the right where the Shed was located and drove into a crowded parking lot. Going up the wooden steps I could hear the sounds of old-time country music spilling out the front door. The woman at the gift shop said the pickers were in the back and the further I walked in that direction the more it brought back memories of being in Austin in the late 60s when Threadgill’s old filling station on Lamar had Wednesday night jam sessions. It was so much the same. The pickers in the room had seen a lot of good gigs and the music was filled with well-being. Threadgill’s was popular with a young college crowd and at one time frequented by none other than Janis Joplin. Continue reading “Around the Town: Guest Writer Billy Bucher and the Shed”