KAB Bumpouts Improve Look, Safety On The Square

By Michael V. Hannigan

The square in Athens has a different look thanks to Keep Athens Beautiful, which recently finished its bumpouts project.

The bumpouts — curb extensions — are on all four corners of the square and are “primarily used to extend the sidewalk, reducing the crossing distance and allowing pedestrians about to cross and approaching vehicle drivers to see each other when vehicles parked in a parking lane would otherwise block visibility.”

Athens Mayor Jerry Don Vaught said, “The city is thrilled with the results of the new bump outs and how well they turned out. They have added an attractiveness to our downtown square plus an added safety measure for pedestrians trying to cross the streets. We appreciate KAB tremendously for their support and generous funds for this project.” Continue reading “KAB Bumpouts Improve Look, Safety On The Square”