Sheriff Ray Nutt to retire; Commissioners appoint Botie Hillhouse sheriff


By Michael V. Hannigan/HCN

Tuesday morning, Henderson County Commissioners’ Court accepted the retirement of Sheriff Ray Nutt effective May 31.

Commissioners appointed Chief Deputy and Sheriff-elect Botie Hillhouse to take his place on June 1.

Nutt, who has been sheriff since 2009, is stepping down to spend more time with his family.

“This is a tough agenda item here,” said County Judge Richard Sanders. “Sheriff Nutt has done a great job for many years here in the county. He’s really made some headway in a lot of areas of need in our county and it is kind of tough to see him leave.”

“I do respect his desire to retire and spend more time with his grand kids and his wife,” Sanders said. “I think that’s very commendable. We’re going to miss him and wish him the best of luck.”

Commissioner Wade McKinney said, “It has been a great pleasure working with you Ray, it really has. I’ve worked with four different sheriffs and you’ve done an outstanding job.”

The commissioners had no trouble deciding who to replace Nutt.

“I think this appointment is very obvious due to the election we had back in March,” Sanders said.

“In any other circumstance this court has always taken applications and gone through the process of interviewing, but in this case that’s not necessary,” said Commissioner Ronny Lawrence.

Hillhouse addressed the court, saying: “This is a hard day for me, also. I have been his right hand man the whole time. He’s told me I’m ready, I’m ready to move forward. I appreciate the court’s support, but it is a sad day for me to see him go, even though he’s just a phone call away. With that, I’m ready to step into his shoes and ready to work with this court, just like I always have. I want us to keep rolling and keep working together. Henderson County is a great county, and the county officials here are work together.”