Athens ISD Looking For Top Dogs (Dads)


By Toni Garrard Clay/AISD Communications Specialist

Athens ISD wants to let some DOGS in. That’s Dads Of Great Students (including grandfathers, uncles and other related male adults) who are willing to participate in the Watch DOGS program at Bel Air, South Athens or Athens Intermediate at least one day a year.

“The goal is to provide more of a male presence on the campus,” said Bel Air Assistant Principal Vivian Hardgrave. “The volunteer has to be related to a child on the campus.”

So if someone is the father, grandfather, uncle or adult brother of, for example, a first grader at one of the three campuses in the program, that person, if cleared, would spend the day on campus. Specifically, lunch and recess would be spent with the related child. The rest of the day, the volunteer might go to different classes in that same grade level, as well as help with drop-off and pick-up and perhaps patrol the campus, read to students or share about his career. Activities vary by campus. Volunteers are not involved in student discipline.

“This is important because so many of our kids don’t have a male presence at home,” said Hardgrave. “We want them to have friendly, positive adult men around. We’re asking for men to give at least one day a year. But even if all a person can give is a half day, we’ll take that.”

Hardgrave recruited Jeremiah Diamond, the father of a kindergartner, to be the “Top DOG” at Bel Air and help with recruitment. He’s gotten 30 volunteers so far and is hoping for many more. “I’m looking forward to spending time with my son and getting to know the other kids,” he said. “It gives me a chance to get familiar with his environment and help out.”

If you are a man with a related student at Bel Air, call Diamond at 903-340-6997 to join Watch DOGS on that campus. Bel Air will have a kick-off for the meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 9 from 6 p.m.-7 p.m. at the school. Pizza will be provided (for the prospective volunteers only). An overview of the program will be shared, and prospects will be asked to fill out a criminal background check, which is a routine requirement. If you cannot attend the meeting, you are still welcome to submit your name as a prospective volunteer.

Athens Intermediate will have their Watch DOGS kickoff Sept. 30 from 6 p.m.-7 p.m. You can just show up or call ahead and let them know you want to be a volunteer: 903-677-6960.

If you have a student at South Athens Elementary, call 903-677-6970 to get your name on the Watch DOGS volunteer list.

Research indicates that when fathers (or father figures) are involved, their students learn more, perform better in school and exhibit healthier behavior. In an impact survey of 50 schools participating in Watch DOGS, 52 percent reported that the program had contributed to a decrease in students’ behavioral problems, and 50 percent reported that the program had contributed to an increase in student achievement.