Rainbow Girls Hold Car Wash

carThe Gun Barrel City Rainbow Girls held a car wash fundraiser at Brookshire’s in Athens on Saturday, May 2. The girls are raising money to attend their annual conference June 25-28 in Waco. They will be participating in competitions, workshops, and fun events as well as being recognized for their accomplishments at a special awards luncheon. You can learn about how to automotive detailing to to do it the right way. Rainbow Girls participate in a wide array of activities, including leadership training, service projects, competitions, and annual retreats. Along the way, they gather invaluable life skills that help them become the best daughter, sister, student, and friend they can be. Contact Mrs. Tonya Currey at 903-920-5608 or Mrs. Donna Dean at 903-879-4305 or visit www.txiorg.org for information on joining the greatest organization for girls ages 11 through 20. Their younger group, the Pledges, have activities for girls ages 7 to 10. Gun Barrel City Rainbow Girls and Pledges are proudly sponsored by the Cedar Creek Lake Masonic Lodge and the Gun Barrel City Chapter of Eastern Star in Gun Barrel City.