National tech editor to speak at Cedar Creek Radio Club meeting


Radio Club press release

The Next Cedar Creek Amateur Radio Club meeting on Nov. 14 features another industry leader, the editor of the 70-year-old technology magazine, “CQ.”

The Skype Speakers Series has featured many of the world’s leading figures in ham radio. Here are just a few highlights of his storied career.

Rich Moseson, W2VU, is Editor of CQ magazine and Editorial Director of CQ Communications, Inc. A ham since 1970. Rich also served 8 years as ARRL Section Manager for Northern New Jersey and is a former member and past chairman of the ARRL Public Relations Committee. A CQ staffer since 1992, he was founding Editor of CQ VHF magazine, wrote and produced the seven introductory ham radio programs in the CQ Video Library, and was CQ magazine’s 50th Anniversary Coordinator in 1995.

There will also be another installment of a “Ten Minute Tech Talk” by Vice-President, William Moos, KC5EKM.

The meeting will be held Saturday, Nov. 14 at the Mabank Café on Hwy 198 in Mabank. The club meets the second Saturday of each month there. The meeting starts at 9 a.m., but many come early for an impressive breakfast buffet. Anyone interested in technology is welcome.