Malakoff ISD provides free breakfast to all students

Malakoff ISD press release

Eating breakfast at school is one of the smartest ways your child can begin the day. Often students simply don’t have enough time in the morning to eat breakfast at home and go to class without eating anything at all. A hungry child just cannot concentrate on learning. Research proves breakfast is the most important meal of the day. In most studies, children who eat breakfast improved their grades. Teachers observed increased attentiveness, motivation, self- discipline and concentration in students who participate in the School Breakfast program. Studies have found that children who ate breakfast make fewer mistakes and better grades.

Malakoff ISD Food and Nutrition Director Tanya Berry is proud to announce that all of Malakoff ISD students will receive a breakfast at no charge starting the 2013-14 school year.

Malakoff ISD is taking a step toward making all students successful by offering The Universal Breakfast Program. On Monday night, Berry, proposed offering breakfast to all Malakoff students at no charge to the school board. The school board agreed. The Universal Free Breakfast Program is possible because of funds from the federal government. Through the program, all students — regardless of family income — can eat a free, healthy breakfast at school.

Berry encourages every household who attends a MISD school to fill out a meal application. All of the food service managers will be at meet the teacher night at every campus to assist you in filling out these applications.

The Malakoff ISD Food and Nutrition Department is dedicated to students’ health, well being and their ability to learn.