Life Fellowship Church Sponsors Angel Tree for Foster Children

HCCWB Tree 2014Press release

Could there be a more beautiful picture this time of year? The Henderson County Child Welfare Board Foster Child Angel Tree is completely empty. That means that every single foster child from Henderson County will have Christmas. This year, Athens Life Fellowship Church sponsored every single angel on the tree.

“Simply put, Pastor Mark Allen and the congregation at Athens Life Fellowship have insured that each of these children will have presents for Christmas,” said Jay Eckert, the current Chairman of the Henderson County Child Welfare Board.

Children that have been placed in foster care due to allegations of abuse and neglect often struggle for a sense of normalcy around Christmas time but this will certainly help.

The Henderson County Child Welfare Board’s mission is to support a network of volunteers and Child Protective Services workers who are concerned with the welfare of children, especially those suffering from abuse and neglect. Its purpose is to function as a liaison between the community and the Texas Department of Family and Child Protective Services.