Jeff, Michael sign on for SNAP Challenge

Jeff Weinstein

We’ve decided to push the envelope a little bit.

Henderson County Now’s Jeff Weinstein and Michael Hannigan are going to take a one-week vow of poverty … at least when it comes to the dinner table. They are going to take the SNAP Challenge, and they are going to share the experience with their readers.

Michael Hannigan

SNAP stands for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, but you might know it better by its more common name: food stamps. The SNAP Challenge is when participants vow to go one week eating on the average daily food stamps allowance, or $4.80 a day.

Folks around the country — from CEOs to politicians — are taking the challenge during September, which is National Hunger Action Month. The details of the challenge include:

  • Each person should only spend $4.80 per day on food and drink.
  • All food purchased and eaten in this time must be counted in total spending – this includes dining out.
  • During this time, do not eat any food purchased prior to the start of the Challenge.
  • Whenever possible, avoid accepting free food from family, friends and coworkers since these opportunities are not always available to those in need.
  • Eat as healthy as possible, keeping in mind that this is how many people eat every day, whereas you can make up for lost nutrients next week.

Jeff came up with the idea when reading a story about Panera Bread CEO Ron Shiach and his experience in taking the challenge.

“I don’t understand how in 2013 America, one in six American adults are on food stamps or that one in four children are on food stamps,” Jeff said. “Our country is simply too amazing for this to be a place where people go hungry. I hear my friends give their opinions that range from people don’t want to work, they are too lazy or the government gives too many handouts. Before I comment, I want to experience what these people experience. I’m looking forward to sharing my feelings with HCN next week.

The challenge for Jeff and Michael begins Sept. 23 and runs through Sept. 29. Anyone who wants to join in is more than welcome.

“We hope that even if people don’t decide to take the challenge, that they will follow us through the week on Henderson County Now,” Michael said. “I’ll also be sharing some interesting numbers on hunger in our county.”

Either way, see you Monday.

2 thoughts on “Jeff, Michael sign on for SNAP Challenge”

  1. Lazy people don’t qualify for food stamps you have to be employed to get them. If you are not employed and you don’t get a job within a certain time frame you are cut off.

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