Help HCPAC Earn Matching Grant

50thHCPAC press release

An incredible opportunity has been given to the Henderson County Performing Arts Center (HCPAC) in the form of a matching grant for $50,000. Recognizing our value to the community and encouraging the continuation of our good works, the Murchison Foundation is generously offering this grant if HCPAC can raise $50,000 before Dec. 1 of this year.

This is quite a challenge but, as in the past, we feel our loyal supporters will help us meet this challenge. That means you!

As Vice President of the Board of Directors of HCPAC, it is my privilege to spearhead the Murchison Foundation matching grant drive. My name is Marcia Colbert Tarrance. Most of you know me from the theatre but if you don’t you probably will soon enough as I will be contacting many of you to ask you to join us in our quest.

The Murchison Foundation offer dovetails nicely with the theatre’s Legacy Campaign. Started almost four years ago and scheduled to culminate in 2014, our 50th Anniversary year, the Legacy program will be extended another four years to help us meet our goals.

That’s where you come in. If you haven’t joined the Legacy Campaign, now is the perfect time to do that. Pledge an annual gift for the next four years and be a part of the contributions that will earn the theatre an additional $50,000 from the Murchison Foundation. If you joined us back in 2011 with a Legacy pledge, thank you and please extend that pledge for another four years. We are on the cusp of achieving our goal to be self-sustaining.

Over the years the Murchison Foundation has bestowed over $400,000 to the theatre. They have been instrumental in every phase of our growth. This latest opportunity will not only show them we have loyal supporters who strongly believe in our contributions to the community but it will also encourage them to think favorably about donating to us in the future.

The “new” revenue we need to raise on or before Dec. 1 need only be in the form a pledge from our donors. The Legacy Program gives you an opportunity to pay out your pledge over the next four years.

I look forward to discussing the details with you in the near future. I will be available before and during the intermission of Death of a Salesman and The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. I will also be contacting many of you that have indicated your desire to support the program and I will be reaching out to those Legacy patrons who started their giving program in 2011.

If you would like to discuss this fantastic opportunity with me, please call me at the theatre at903-675-3908 or reach me by email at [email protected].

What a great gift the Murchison Foundation has given our theatre over the years. I urge you to join them and be a part of our future.