Happy Retirement Dr. Sawtelle

20150103_164216_resizedThank you to Loretta Humble for taking these photos from the retirement party for Dr. John Sawtelle this past Saturday.

Loretta said the following letter from the doctor was available at the party:

Thirty-three years ago, a country doctor and his county girl nurse finished medical training and began looking for an under served area in Texas to begin caring for folks.  Many rural areas were needy, but the two could not resist or say no to the slow but knowledgeable advice from Dr. Louis Gibson, physician and surgeon, and the caring orientation of Marlin Perkins, pharmacist.  With help from the community and efforts by so many the two opened the old Rosenbloom Clinic in Trinidad.  They agreed they would stay two or three years and then move closer to their family and old stomping grounds of Madisonville, Texas.  Now 33 years have passed in the original location and many thousands of you have graciously allowed us to care for you and your families.  What a joy and a pleasure it has been for us.  Those of you who know us, realize we were Harley riding, Hammond playing, hay baling, basketball playing, fishing, hunting and just plain Free Birds* long before starting to practice medicine. Thank you for letting us continue to be who we are all these years.  Thank you for allowing the blue and maroon Free Bird* lab coats and casual friends and neighbors atmosphere in our clinic.

This is a blessed Doctor and family.  And we have taken very seriously that Biblical principal “To whom much is given, much is required.”  And now it is time for us to slow down. There has been a transition period in our office.  We feel extremely fortunate to have found Debbie Klein PA-C who is like-minded and like-spirited.  She is a perfect fit for our patient center approach to care.  As we transition she has moved into the daily functions of the Clinic and I am assisting her.  She has access to all medical records and systems that we use.  After nearly a year of working together it is now time for me to retire. For your best continuity of care we encourage you to keep your primary care with our Clinic where you will continue to have and experience personalized care as in the past.  It has been a very short and fast 33 years and we than you so much for allowing us to care for your medical needs during this time as well as in the future with Ms. Klein.  Your Trinidad Family Medicine Clinic will continue to be open the same days and the same hours as we have for years.

*For those who do not know what a Free Bird is, it is more than a monster burrito, conceived in good ole College Station, Texas, and loved by Ags.  It is more than a great rock and roll song by Lynyrd Skynyrd. Most of all it is a dove leaving the confinement of Noah’s ark never to return because it had finally been set free or as my Grandma’s favorite verse, John 8:36 puts it, “So if The Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”




2 thoughts on “Happy Retirement Dr. Sawtelle”

  1. We had relied on you for years and will miss you greatly. Have a wonderful retirement my friend. Thank you for being the person you are. May God richly bless you.

  2. Dear Dr. Sawtelle, just wanted to Thank you and Carolyn both for being a huge part of our healthcare throughout the years. I will never forget the time that I brought my daughter Brandi to you at a very young age and you not only cared for her, you called me late that night to check on her, and as far as my needs you always took great concern in each visit! Thank you again for your “Sevice” to this community. May God Bless you and your Family with abundant “BLESSINGS”! Sincerely Kay Miers, Malakoff, Texas.

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