Friends of TFFC luncheon scheduled

TFFC logoPress release

Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center will be hosting a luncheon for Friends of TFFC noon Thursday, September 8. The luncheon will be held at the Hart-Morris Conservation Center on the grounds of the Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center.

The purpose of this event is to give current and prospective Friends the opportunity to network and connect with TFFC staff. Staff will be sharing information about ongoing and developing educational activities and upcoming special events. Come meet the new management team, and learn about our vision as we near our 20th Anniversary!

Although TFFC is a state-owned and operated facility, it relies heavily on foundation, corporate and private support for its programs. TFFC is fortunate to have a dedicated Friends group that exists exclusively to raise funds and lend support for special projects and construction at TFFC.

The Friends of the Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center is open to any interested individual, organization, corporation or other institution. We encourage anyone interested in getting involved in the Friends of TFFC to join us. A light lunch will be served for $8/person (cash, check, or credit).

Please RSVP by calling 903-676-2277 by Tuesday, September 6.

The Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center is located at 5550 F.M. 2495, about four miles east of Athens. For more information call (903) 676-2277 or visit