(Editor’s note: You can see the map here.)
Press release
Athens ISD administrators have received some questions in regard to the elementary school realignment which will become effective at the beginning of the 2015-2016 school year. In an attempt to address potential concerns among the widest audience possible, the most common questions, with our responses, are compiled below. Please read on.
Q: Looking at the map, the area zoned for Bel Air is much smaller than the areas zoned for Central Athens and South Athens. Why is that?
A: This is a natural question to ask. Bel Air’s footprint on the map is much smaller than that of the other campuses. So it appears as though Bel Air will have far fewer students. Rest assured that is not the case. The disparity is a result of population density. There are neighborhoods immediately north and west of Bel Air where many school-aged children reside. By contrast, South and Central Athens, in order to net approximately the same number of students as Bel Air, must extend their boundaries into more rural areas. In those cases, an area on the map that represents several square miles might only account for a handful of students.
Q: Yes, but won’t Central Athens have more students than Bel Air and South Athens? Continue reading “AISD Releases FAQ About Elementary School Realignment”