DAR speaker talks about Vietnam War


DAR press release

The speaker for the November meeting of the Sarah Maples Chapter of DAR was Marcy Loveick and her topic was the Vietnam War. Her educational slide show program was to clarify the myths and facts about the war in commemoration of the 50th anniversary. The 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War Commemoration Partnership goals were explained and many graphic, authentic photos were included in her program. We appreciated her filling in for Kathy Hanlon , NSDAR National Defense Chairperson who was ill.

Marcy was born in Arkansas but has been a Texas resident wince 1992. She joined DAR in 2003 and became a DAR Volunteer Genealogist. She has helped 60 members with their applications. She is a past Regent of the Elizabeth Crockett Chapter and a member of the Heart of Texas Regents Council, Ft. Worth Regents Club and Red River Regents Council. She is serving as the State Organizing Secretary of Texas and as a National Vice Chair of lineage research.

Rootseekers enjoy ‘Bragging Rights’ meeting

Pictured are Stella Sikes, Danny Welch, Jim Gablin, Margaret Ann Trail, Grace Donovan. and (sitting) Charles Sanders.
Pictured are Stella Sikes, Danny Welch, Jim Gablin, Margaret Ann Trail, Grace Donovan. and (sitting) Charles Sanders.

Rootseekers press release

The annual “Bragging Rights” were held at the last Rootseekers meeting. Bragging rights is when you can brag about an ancestor that you have been researching. It will cost you a dollar for three minutes of time. Money goes towards books for the genealogy room.

Charles Sanders led off by saying that he was born a poor, bright, white child so his parents called him “Sun.”

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National tech editor to speak at Cedar Creek Radio Club meeting


Radio Club press release

The Next Cedar Creek Amateur Radio Club meeting on Nov. 14 features another industry leader, the editor of the 70-year-old technology magazine, “CQ.”

The Skype Speakers Series has featured many of the world’s leading figures in ham radio. Here are just a few highlights of his storied career.

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Retired School Personnel Association officers

hcrspa oct. 2015 028

The Henderson County Retired School Personnel Association officers for the 2015-2016 year are, from left, 1st Vice President, Betty Gore; Secretary, Kirby Thomas; 2nd Vice President, Bill Green; Treasurer, Patty Curtis; and President, Paula Burkett. The HCRSPA meets the second Wednesday of every month at the First Methodist Church of Athens at 1:30 for snacks and 2 p.m. for the meeting. All are welcome. (Courtesy photo)

Sarah Maples NSDAR working on historical markers


The women of The Daughters of the American Revolution have come together across America and throughout the country to give back to their communities. The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution have set a goal this year of 12.5 million hours of service to communities across the nation and around the world. This goal is to commemorate the 125th university of the Society. The Sarah Maples Chapter has chosen as one of its services to the community to restore historical markers. So far 10 have been done in Henderson County with more to come. These ladies don’t let any grass grow under their feet and it gives them a great sence of pride to know that they can make a difference. Pictured are, back row from left, Bunny Freman, Linda Mynar, Martha Tanner, Priscilla Berry, Nina Hendricks, Clara Roundtree; middle row from left, Geneice Morris, Susanne Fife, Grace Donovan; seated from left, Susan Cothran, regent and Ron Freeman husband of Bunny. (Courtesy photo)