Elizabeth Dickens wins DAR essay contest

Pictured are, from left, Regent Susan Martz-Cothran, Elizabeth Dickens, mother Gwen Dickens, Principal Jes Satterwhite and DAR member Carole Ruska. (Courtesy photo)
Pictured are, from left, Regent Susan Martz-Cothran, Elizabeth Dickens, mother Gwen Dickens, Principal Jes Satterwhite and DAR member Carole Ruska. (Courtesy photo)

By Nina Hendricks/Sarah Maples DAR

The Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) partnered with the National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) in 1996 to sponsor an annual national essay contest in honor of Christopher Columbus. The contest is open to students 9 through 12. Each year the DAR and the NIAF agree upon a topic for use during the academic year, and contest instructions are published online and sent to the schools by DAR chapters.

The topic this year is ” Compare Christopher Columbus’s voyage across the Atlantic and Charles Lindbergh’s flight across the Atlantic.”

Elizabeth Dickens has been chosen by the Sarah Maples Chapter as this year’s winner. She is a student at Mabank High School and we are so very proud of her. Her essay was wonderful and her choice of words made it all come together.

Essays are judged for historical accuracy, adherence to the topic, organization of materials, interest, originality, spelling, grammar punctuation, and neatness. Judging at the national level is supervised by the NIAF. One winning essay from all those submitted is sent from the participating chapters for judging on the state level. The state will send one winning essay to be judged on the division level. The winning essay from each division is then judged on the national level and the winner is announced. Second and third place winning essays are selected on the national level.

Each student participant receives a certificate of participation from the chapter. The national prize is awarded by the NIAF. This year something else has been added about Charles Lindbergh.



Mabank’s Aldan Marshall receives DAR Good Citizen Award

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((Correction: Replaced incorrect photo with correct photo.))

By Nina Hendricks/Sarah Maples DAR

Alden Marshall, who is a senior at Mabank High School, has been selected to receive one of this year’s DAR Good Citizen Award.

Alden has been in the Mabank High School Band for four years and was the Drum Major for two years. He was also in the All-Area Band and the All-Region Band.

Alden was on the Year Book staff for four years and editor his senior year. He was one of two students from Mabank selected to attend Texas Boys State. He campaigned for House of Representive and won. While attending Boys State he obtained a greater appreciation of government.

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Ruth Primm receives Community Service Award from Sarah Maples DAR

Pictured, from left, are Regent Susan Martz- Cothran, Ruth Primm and DAR member Susan Fife. (Courtesy photo)
Pictured, from left, are Regent Susan Martz- Cothran, Ruth Primm and DAR member Susan Fife. (Courtesy photo)

By Nina Hendricks/Sarah Maples DAR

Ruth Primm is being recognized for  Community Service Award from the Sarah Maples Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution as an exemplary role model of a servant leader. As “Outreach” chairman of her church she organized a “Community Dinner” which serves between 350 to 400 people. This event is held every year. Many of these individuals and families are less fortunate due to the low economics in this area. She organized the creation of food boxes for each family (those in need) that could be picked up at the Christmas dinner. She was also responsible for setting up the “Angel Tree” at Christmas and providing coats and other needs for the children at the Tool Elementary School.

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Joanna Horton receives Community Service Award from Sarah Maples DAR

Pictured, from left, Regent Susan Martz-Cothran, Joanna Horton and DAR Member Suzanne Fife.
Pictured, from left, Regent Susan Martz-Cothran, Joanna Horton and DAR Member Suzanne Fife.

By Nina Hendricks/Sarah Maples DAR

Susan Cheek is responsible for organizing this tribute and telling us why Joanna Horton is receiving the 2016 Sarah Maples Chapter DAR Community Service Award. Joanna has proven to be an outstanding member of the Scurry-Rosser community with unparalleled dedication to the school district, her church congregation, conservation, cancer fundraising and supporting the local food bank.

She is a professional woman with a full time career, but she has served on the school board for the last four years and has promoted excellence in education, as well as modeling self-sacrifice and service to others. She actively supports the National Honor Society and Student Council in their activities. She organized “Pink Out” each year for cancer awareness and fundraising. She makes sure all cancer survivors are recognized at the game/pep rally and they are given a rose or carnation at the half time balloon release to honor them.

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