Boy Scout Troop 343 to host open house

IMG_2767Press release

Athens Boy Scout Troop 343 will host an open house to kick off the beginning of the school year and the resumption of troop meetings after the summer break on Tuesday, Aug. 25 at 7 p.m. The open house will be held in the Scout Lodge which is on the southeast corner of the First United Methodist Church campus. Any interested boys are invited to attend.

The scouting program is open to all boys from 6 to 18 years of age. Younger boys, from 6 to 9 years old may join scouting in the Cub Scout program. Boys from 10 to 18 years of age may participate in the Boy Scout program.

The First United Methodist Church of Athens has proudly sponsored Boy Scout Troop 343 for over 80 years and Cub Scout Pack 350 for over 50 years.
Cub Scout Pack 350 offers fun meeting programs that introduce boys to the scouting program of teaching and instilling values to the scouts as well as learning beginning outdoor skills.

Boys may join Troop 343 if they are 11 years old or completed the fifth grade. Troop 343 strives to present a program that offers fun and excitement while teaching the boys leadership and instilling moral and ethical values. The troop attended summer camp this year at Camp Laramie Peak in Wyoming. The group also visited the Kwahadi Kiva Indian Museum and Event Center in Amarillo and camped in Estes Park, Colo.

Come visit the Pack and Troop on Aug. 25, 7 p.m. at the Scout Lodge, First United Methodist Church Athens. Refreshments will be offered, so come by and sample ice cream, snow cones, popcorn and dutch oven cobbler.