Athens Gets $150K Grant for Airport Planning

planeBy Michael V. Hannigan/HCN

The Texas Department of Transportation approved a $150,000 grant last week to help with a planning study for improvements at the Athens Municipal Airport. I wrote about this issue back in January when the Athens City Council approved the grant request.

The study will cover the two important aspects of the airport project: The needs of the airport and the actual construction of a runway (Master Plan), and how to pay for building a runway (Financial Management Plan).

The grant will pay for a study consultant to help with updating the Master Plan and the Financial Management Plan.

Athens Mayor Jerry Don Vaught said, “The city of Athens is pleased and excited to see the plans to expand the city’s municipal airport come realization. We would like to thank TxDOT officials for awarding this grant to the city of Athens and Representative Stuart Spitzer for his help. We look forward to the future and the impact that expanding the airport will have on the city and the county.”

The grant was announced in a press release from State Rep. Stuart Spitzer’s Office. Spitzer serves as Treasurer of the General Aviation Caucus.
“I am happy to see these improvements moving forward and I will continue to work closely with the City of Athens and TxDOT to ensure this project moves forward as smoothly as possible,” Spitzer said.