Athens EDC Agrees to Buy Land for Airport Expansion


UPDATE: Added quote from Athens Mayor Jerry Don Vaught Friday, Nov. 21.

By Michael V. Hannigan

Wednesday, the Athens Economic Development Corporation (AEDC) announced an agreement to buy almost 300 acres of land adjacent to the Athens Municipal Airport for runway expansion.

The move is the latest in a joint effort between the AEDC, City of Athens and the Airport Advisory Board.

Officials say that expanding the airport will have a significant impact on economic development and help attract bigger businesses to the area.

AEDC President Jess Laird said the lack of a runway to serve larger planes has been a common issue during development talks with companies thinking about building in Athens.

“The reality of economic development is that the people who can afford to build a business like what we want (for the city) want to be home for supper,” he said. “If they have to drive all the way here from DFW and back in a day, then they’ll find somewhere else. That’s the reality.”

“A longer runway would definitely put us in a better position to attract new industry to Athens,” Laird said.

The agreement calls for the AEDC to buy 296 acres at $2,800 an acre. The plan is to use the land to build “a new, longer runway at a new direction while utilizing the existing runway as a taxiway. These improvements would be consistent with the Land Use Development Planning for the City of Athens, and would also allow for the continued use of existing hangers, facilities, and infrastructures.”

The Athens City Council approved going forward with the purchase agreement Wednesday night.

Henderson County Now reached Athens Mayor Jerry Don Vaught in California Thursday night, where his is on an economic development trip for the city. He said, “The City of Athens is pleased with the AEDC decision to purchase land adjacent to the airport. The possibility of the airport expanding will be another tool in the city’s effort in economic development and recruiting companies to move to Athens.

Officials hope to qualify for grant funds available through the Texas Department of Transportation and the Federal Aviation Administration that could pay for between 70 and 90 percent of the expansion project, including the land purchase.

One thought on “Athens EDC Agrees to Buy Land for Airport Expansion”

  1. Surely there have been specific asked by prospective employers with regard to our labor pool

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