Volleyball Wins Cardinal Cup … Again

Cardinal Cup

By Benny Rogers/TVCC Sports Information

The fifth year of the Cardinal Cup competition at Trinity Valley Community College produced the first two-time champion.

Tuesday night at the fifth annual TVCC Athletic Banquet, the Lady Cardinal volleyball team was again awarded the Cardinal Cup — the prize for a fall/spring semester-long competition in which the college’s athletic department teams/groups are awarded points for supporting each other and for community service.

Coach Tosha Spain’s squad tallied 352 points to easily take the top spot over the softball team and hoist the Cardinal Cup trophy for the second time in three years.

The Lady Cardinals performed 300 hours of community service, had 12 team members in the college’s 3.0 GPA club and had a 3.56 team GPA in the fall semester.

The Cardinal Cup, which began in the 2010 fall semester, is designed as a competition to help encourage student-athletes and other organizations at the college to become more involved and the events that take place on campus, not just athletic events. The program was implemented to create a supportive and active fan base of TVCC students to visibly and vocally support performing groups.

In addition to the volleyball and softball teams, groups participating in the competition this year were the football team, the men’s and women’s basketball teams, cheerleaders and athletic training staff.

Here are the top three in the Cardinal Cup standings for 2015:

Volleyball – 352 points

Softball – 165 points

Trainers – 40 points

The Cardinal Cup trophy is on permanent display in the lobby at Cardinal Gym with the name of the winning group engraved each year.

Here are the all-time winners of the competition:

2011 – Cheerleaders

2012 – Trainers

2013 – Volleyball

2014 – Football

2015 — Volleyball