TVCC Athletic Banquet Awards Presented

AwardsThe following awards were presented during the Cardinal Athletics Banquet Tuesday night at the Athens Country Club:

LEADERSHIP AWARDS: A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He/she does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the quality of his/her actions and the integrity of his intent. A leader knows what to do next, why it’s important to do it and knows how to get it done. Presented to (Female) Alexis Bongiorno, volleyball and (Male) Manasseh Miles, football.

UNSUNG HERO AWARD: The glue that holds a group, family or team together. A person that leads by their actions, both on and off the playing surface. They are unselfish, not always the star or has the best stats but understands their role and gives 100% at whatever that role is. They are determined, self-motivated, disciplined and has a strong commitment to core values. Presented to Chris Yaneza, cheer.

THE ROCK AWARD – The ultimate team player. This athlete is respectful and loyal to both their teammates and coaching staff and is always willing to do what is asked of them with a smile on their face. In essence, this student-athlete is solid as a rock and you can count on them at all times. Presented to Britney Griffith, volleyball.

FEMALE ATHLETE OF THE YEAR – Most outstanding performance by a female student-athlete. Presented to Jazmine Spears, basketball.

MALE ATHLETE OF THE YEAR – Most outstanding performance by a male student-athlete. Presented to Dedrick Basile, basketball.

CARDINAL AWARD – Trinity Valley sophomore that has been an outstanding all-around performer as a student, an athlete and a leader while here at “The Valley”. They are a positive influence and bring energy to the students, staff, instructors and administration they come across on a daily basis on our campus. All the while, performing at a high level on the playing surface, and in the classroom. Presented to Cortney Finney, football.

STUDENTS CHOICE AWARD – Outstanding professor/instructor as selected by the student-athletes. Presented to Donna Bennett.