Trinity Valley PTK Receives State and International Awards

PTK AwardsBy Mark Meredith/TVCC Public Information

The Alpha Iota chapter of Phi Theta Kappa at Trinity Valley Community College received several state and international awards recently at the Texas and International Phi Theta Kappa conventions.

The simultaneous conventions, held April 15-19, drew 3,800 attendees from the United States and 10 other sovereign nations. The Texas representation was 635.

In addition to distinguished speakers and performances, members attended a joint session with the American Association of Community Colleges for top college administrators, visited the Alamo and the Natural Bridges Caverns on the way home.

Here are the awards/honors for TVCC:

Dr. Michael Felty, recipient of a Texas Hall of Honor for Advisors Medallion;
An Honors in Action Project Award of Distinction
A Texas Top Chapter Award

A Five Star Chapter Development Award
A Continued Excellence Award Medallion for Nancy Long, TVCC Chapter Faculty Sponsor.
An Honors in Action Project Award
A Distinguished Chapter Award

The Honors in Action and Distinguished Chapter awards are given to only 25 out of almost 1,300 chapters.

Phi Theta Kappa is the international honor society for two-year colleges and academic programs, with more than two million members in the United States and abroad.