The December CCARC meeting is filled with theft!

club logo0001CCARC press release

Actually that’s the whole idea behind the gift “exchange” the Cedar Creek Amateur Radio Club does each December meeting. The only way you can play is to bring a wrapped or hidden-in-a-bag item relating to ham radio or electronics. Each gift bringer gets a random number and then, in order, they get to go pick a present. But that’s not the end – it’s the beginning.

Our “Gift Czar” Jeff Irion, N5ZFB, determines how many times another gift bringer can steal that gift away for themselves. If this sounds chaotic, it is…that’s the point and great fun.

If you are bringing a gift, think about something that works but hasn’t been used for a long time. Give it a new home. Or if you are buying something new spend no more than $40 and actually a lot less is the norm. No “On Air Signs” or multi meters are acceptable this year.

Also we’ll have video of Mats, SM0BTP’s antenna farm he’s created in his Plano attic.

It all begins at 9 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 12, at the Mabank Café on Hwy 198 in Mabank. Come earlier for the good buffet they offer. We meet the second Saturday of every month at the Mabank Café. All visitors are welcome and all you need is curiosity about all things electronic.

About the Club

Formed in 1981, the Cedar Creek ARC has over fifty members from the tri-county area. It maintains a VHF repeater system that provides hand-held radio coverage to hams in the lake area, and mobile and base coverage throughout the three counties. CCARC participates in the National Weather Service SKYWARN program and the Amateur Radio Emergency Service. The club meets the second Saturday of each month, and also provides classes to those wishing to join the ranks of Amateur “ham” Radio. For more information, visit