Henderson County Master Gardeners Win State Awards

Pictured, from left, Marie Hancock, Bill Hancock, Cherie Tanneberger, and Jean Brewton
Pictured, from left, Marie Hancock, Bill Hancock, Cherie Tanneberger, and Jean Brewton

Press release

The Texas Search for Excellence Awards Program is sponsored by the Texas Master Gardener Association (TMGA) with guidance provided by the Texas Master Gardener Coordinator from Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service. The purpose of each award is to recognize outstanding Master Gardener projects and programs throughout the State of Texas, and to recognize individual Master Gardeners and Master Gardener Associations for their outstanding contributions within the State of Texas. Continue reading “Henderson County Master Gardeners Win State Awards”

Master Gardeners Awarded for SAE Children’s Garden

South Athens second graders Kimora Hudson and Jason Davis pick cherry tomatoes for snacks. (Toni Garrard Clay/AISD)
South Athens second graders Kimora Hudson and Jason Davis pick cherry tomatoes for snacks. (Toni Garrard Clay/AISD)
Bill and Marie Hancock show off the first-place award given to the Henderson County Master Gardener Association by the statewide chapter. The award was in recognition of the local chapter’s work with the South Athens Children’s Garden. (Toni Garrard Clay/AISD)
Bill and Marie Hancock show off the first-place award given to the Henderson County Master Gardener Association by the statewide chapter. The award was in recognition of the local chapter’s work with the South Athens Children’s Garden. (Toni Garrard Clay/AISD)

By Toni Garrard Clay/Athens ISD Communications Specialist

The partnership between South Athens Elementary and the Henderson County Master Gardener Association is a winning one. In fact, the master gardeners have a plaque to prove it.

For the past five years, the school and the association’s members have teamed up to create a children’s garden at the elementary campus. The garden is used as a learning tool, a way to introduce children to a variety of vegetables, and a way to encourage healthier eating choices. The HC Master Gardeners submitted the South Athens Children’s Garden project in a statewide contest held by the Texas Master Gardener Association. The results just came in, and the county chapter was awarded first place among mid-sized groups for their “exemplary work” in 2013 with the children’s garden.

Master Gardeners Bill and Marie Hancock were at South Athens on Thursday teaching students a lesson on how compost is created and how it benefits the soil. Children also had an opportunity to pick the tomatoes and peppers (no hot varieties) that continue to grow from their spring planting. Continue reading “Master Gardeners Awarded for SAE Children’s Garden”