Texas A&M Visits ACPA

A&MRepTexas A&M Regional Representative, Tierra Graves was on hand at a “brown bag” lunch event at Athens Christian Preparatory Academy last Thursday to advise students and their parents about how to gain entry into the Texas A&M University system. Approximately 70 students and parents were in attendance. (Courtesy Photo)

ACPA Starts Swim Team, Plans Oct. 18 Meet in Athens

Pictured at top is ACPA senior swimmer Katie Hardin. (Courtesy Photo)
Pictured at top is ACPA senior swimmer Katie Hardin. (Courtesy Photo)

ACPA press release

Athens Christian Preparatory Academy recently hosted the first ever Texas Christian Athletic League (TCAL) swim meet at the Cain Center. ACPA has been instrumental in lobbying for the sport to be adopted under the league’s umbrella. The TCAL is a state-wide league that represents schools from all over Texas.

ACPA Athletic Director, Shawn SanMiguel, has coordinated efforts with TCAL to launch the new program.

“We are excited to have this opportunity to showcase our kid’s talents in a way that will be recognized at a state level,” said SanMiguel. “We were able to work with the Cain Center Director Tere Lawyer  to coordinate efforts to bring the meets to our own community.” Continue reading “ACPA Starts Swim Team, Plans Oct. 18 Meet in Athens”