Rootseekers Install New Officers

IMG_0115_1Press release

The Rootseekers Genealogical Society newly elected board members were installed at the last meeting. Pictured, from left, are Marian Tillery- Treasurer, Nina Hendricks- Public Relations/Historian, Carolyn Bostian- Recording Secretary, Gaylon Patterson- 2nd Vice President, Skip Gustafson- 1st Vice President, Margaret Ann Trail- President. Not present in photo were Mary Beth Haley- Corresponding Secretary, Frank Donovan- Chaplain, Bob Stokes- Webmaster, Julie Gustafson- Editor.

Bob Stokes has been been working beyond the call of duty on our webpage. Anyone who is researching in the Mabank and surrounding area would do well to check it out. It is unbelievable all the information that Bob has done and its all searchable and he is still hard at it. Thank you Bob!

Frank Stokes no relation to Bob above has been hard at work also. He has reworked our computer in our genealogy room. He has installed Windows 7 and hooked up a new printer and the rest of us are raising money to buy more books for the genealogy room. As a group we have the best people and they are all a blessing.