Rootseeker Garage Sale Success

IMG_0147The Rootseekers Garage Sale held in Baywood Estates on May 2 was a success. The brains of the outfit was Gaylon Patterson and he skipped out before the photo was made. We wish to thank all who came to buy and all who came to work. The money collected will go to buy books for the Genealogy Room at the Tri-County Library. It takes a lot of work to hold a garage sale but Gaylon had a lot of help from this motley crew and Diane Reece gave him a lot of advice. The Genealogy room will be open on Tuesday mornings from 9:30 to 12 with someone to help anyone wishing to learn about their family history. Photo: Julie and Skip Gustafson, Carolyn Bostain, Jim Gamblin, Margaret Ann Trail, Priscilla Berry, Geneice Morris and Helen Preston not shown Gaylon Patterson, Diane Reece, and Nina Hendricks. (Courtesy photo)

3 thoughts on “Rootseeker Garage Sale Success”

  1. I would like to post this garage sale but wasn’t sure how.

    7 family Garage Sale Saturday June 6th 7-5, Sunday June 7th 8-3, Tools, table saw, furniture, Fishing poles/sleeping bags, Collector (plates/dolls/Nascar) Leapster games, TVs, bedding, lamps, dishes, home décor, Men/Women/kids clothes. Too much to list.

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