Pinnacle Women’s Club Installs Officers


New officers for the Pinnacle Women’s Club were installed at their May meeting.  The theme, “Pumps and Pearls,” was carried out with spring flowers and colorful umbrellas, and members were encouraged to wear high heel pump shoes and pearls. The luncheon of  Spring Salad, Chicken Crepes and Lemon Tarts was enjoyed by all.

The installation Ceremony was conducted by the current officers.  Each officer for 2014-15, was made cognizant of the  responsibility of her office by the  past officers.  President  Gail Fankhauser addressed the duties of president, and passed the gavel to incoming President Jean Alexander. Janet Erwin was installed as vice-president; Charlene Richard, treasurer; Debbie Ellsworth, secretary.

Jean Alexander stated that she was honored to be elected as this year’s PWC President. Four new programs will be introduced this year: Mentoring Program for New Members; Art classes, Cooking Classes and hosted Social Events.

The Board of Directors  for the year will be: Pam Davis, Communications;  Rebecca Brisendine, Fundraising; Bernie Quickel, Member Services; Marlene Ungarean, Philanthropy; Daryl Daniels, Socials; Carol Pinkus, Activities.

Pinnacle Women will spend most of the summer getting ready for the  garage sale on October 9th and 10th at the Pavilion in Mabank. They enjoy giving back to the community through their philanthropic endeavors.

Pictured, from left, are Charlene Richard, Treasurer; Debbie Ellsworth, Secretary; Janet Erwin, Vice President and Jean Alexander, President.