Athens Kiwanis Team Wins TVCC Tournament

The Athens Kiwanis Club team of Walter Wilmeth, Philip Gore, Mike Reece and John Passmore won first place. (Courtesy photo)
The Athens Kiwanis Club team of Walter Wilmeth, Philip Gore, Mike Reece and John Passmore won first place. (Courtesy photo)

Mark Meredith/TVCC Public Information

The Trinity Valley Community College Foundation Golf Tournament was held Monday, June 29 at Pinnacle Golf & Boat Club on Cedar Creek Lake in Mabank. Twenty-nine area teams competed to raise money for scholarships for future TVCC students. Trophies were awarded to the top three teams and gift cards to the winners of longest drive and closest to the pin contests.

The Athens Kiwanis Club team of Walter Wilmeth, Philip Gore, Mike Reece and John Passmore won first place; the Prosperity Bank of Athens team of Eddie Lick, Pat Fuller, Matt Anding and Neal Velvin won second place; and third place winners were Tommy Raymond, Sam Grimes, Glenn Walker and Ricky Walker. Mike Reece won the men’s closest to the pin contest, and Brad Rogers won the longest drive. The women’s longest drive and closest to the pin were both won by Henderson County Clerk Mary Margaret Wright. Continue reading “Athens Kiwanis Team Wins TVCC Tournament”

City of Athens Wants Feedback About Budget

wpid-wpid-city-of-athens-4-color-logo.jpg-150x139.jpegFrom the City of Athens Facebook page

In order to gain resident and business feedback during development of the annual budget, the City of Athens will host a Community Budget Forum from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Wednesday, July 15 at the Cain Center, located at 915 S. Palestine St.

Along with the forum, the city is inviting residents and businesses to offer suggestions about the annual budget through a new Budget Input Box process. A survey will be available on the city’s website at or by clicking on the link below. Paper copies of this survey form are available at City Hall, Central Fire Station, City Hall Annex and the Athens Partnership Center. The Budget Input Box will be available through Thursday, July 16. Staff will take the recommendations to the City Council later in July. Continue reading “City of Athens Wants Feedback About Budget”

Remember To Be Safe With Fireworks

Here are some fireworks safety tips from the Henderson County Fire Marshal’s Office. This was originally posted in December 2013, but the rules are still the same:

  • Always buy fireworks from an established retail outlet.
  • Always read and follow label directions.
  • Always have an adult present.
  • Only ignite fireworks outdoors in cleared areas away from houses, buildings, dry leaves, and flammable materials.
  • Keep water handy for fires and emergencies.
  • Never experiment or attempt to make homemade fireworks.
  • Light only one firework at a time.
  • Never re-ignite malfunctioning fireworks; soak them in water and throw away.
  • Never give fireworks to small children.
  • Store fireworks in a cool, dry place.
  • Never throw fireworks at another person.
  • Never carry fireworks in your pocket.
  • Never shoot fireworks in metal or glass containers.
  • Wear eye protection when shooting fireworks.
  • After shooting them, soak fireworks in water before putting them in the trash.

The AME Churches of Texas Standing Strong

Symbol of the AME church.
Symbol of the AME church.

By Delanda S. Johnson/Special to HCN

In the wake of what some may call “Domestic Terrorism or a Hate Crime,” the African Methodist Episcopal Church will stand strong in its FAITH.

This was not more evident on Saturday, June 20, in Houston, Texas at St. Paul AME Church where Rev. Roderick Dawson serves as Pastor.

Rev. Dawson stated, “with a rich history and great legacy of the African Methodist Episcopal Church still stands a vital institution that revolutionizes society and transforms lives. With this project, “The AME Churches of Texas” it gives us a glimpse of the works and efforts of each congregation in Texas. With much dedication over 200 ministries have had a profound impact on Texas for nearly 150 years and I believe the future looks better. My prayer is that you are tremendously blessed as I am to be (1.) a Christian and (2.) an A. M. E.” Continue reading “The AME Churches of Texas Standing Strong”

Billy Jack Valentine Announces Campaign for Sheriff

DOC (3)-page-0Editor’s Note: Billy Jack Valentine has declared his candidacy for Henderson County Sheriff’s Office and issued the following statement.

I would like to announce and declare my candidacy for Henderson County Sheriff. I will file in the 2016 Republican Primary.

I have been preparing for the past 10 years to run for Sheriff of Henderson County. I have been asked by many citizens of Henderson County to lead the Henderson County Sheriff’s Office as the Henderson County Sheriff. Continue reading “Billy Jack Valentine Announces Campaign for Sheriff”