By Doris Gardenhire/Special to HCN
We would like to thank once again those of you who continue to bring us books to sell for the Nursing Scholarship Fund. I noticed more Louis L’Amour books, thank you very much, you know who you are! These sales do help us continue to provide scholarship/loans to aspiring nurses. As you probably know, we do give full scholarships—tuition, fees, and books—rather than the $500 that some auxiliaries do. We have one student now who is at UT Tyler, where you can imagine the cost is quite a bit more than $500! That is why we are always raising money. As you also know, the nurses agree to work for ETMC Athens for three years after receiving their certification. The Auxiliary does feel that it is helping ETMC Athens keep supplied with good, well-trained nurses. Thank you for making that happen.
Speaking of books, thanks also go to all who came out for the Books Are Fun sale. One of the very best customers was Suzanne Tower, who is in charge of one of the Retired Teachers’ (School Personnel) projects. This group every year provides three books to each and every teacher of Pre-K, first, and second grades in Henderson County. That includes 11 schools, plus each principal gets a book. The Retired School Personnel of Henderson County accepts donations of money and/or new books, so if you want to contribute, contact Suzanne Tower at 903-316-7545. And if you wish to join this active group, they meet on the second Wednesday at 2:00 at the Methodist church. In September and May they meet at noon for potluck dinner.
Patty Curtis is in charge of membership. Continue reading “ETMC Auxiliary Report for July”