Vegetable Gardening: Prepare now for success later

By Lydia Holley

Master Gardener Bob Erickson will present “Fall Efforts to Prepare Your Garden for Spring” on Tuesday, September 18, 5:30 p.m., Clint W. Murchison Memorial Library, 121 South Prairieville, Athens. This presentation is a part of Henderson County Master Gardener Association’s “Learn at the Library” series.

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Grand Jury report – Sept. 11

Henderson County District Attorney Mark Hall reports that the Henderson County Grand Jury for the July 2018 term returned the following indictments. In addition, 4 cases are indicted under seal.

1. Brunzwick Lakeith Jones, 47, Athens, indicted for Tampering with Physical Evidence

2. Daniel Austin Roerick, 28, Athens, indicted for Possession of Controlled Substance

3. Michael Douglas Ruff, 33, Seven Points, indicted for Possession of Controlled Substance

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Neil Sperry on KCKL September 20

Neil Sperry

Press release

At 4:30 on Thursday, September 20, Neil Sperry will call into the KCKL radio program (95.9 FM) to talk about his upcoming presentation “Facts and Fantasies of Texas Gardening, An Evening with Neil Sperry”. The presentation is part of the Henderson County Master Gardener Fall Conference, which will be held two weeks later on Thursday, October 4, at the Athens Country Club.

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National Jr Honor Society thrives at AMS

(Clockwise from bottom left) Caleb Herrera, Anna Meyer, Andrea Lopez, Evelyn Mota, Michael Van and Melanie Castillo prepare for a group presentation at a leadership camp held during a recent Saturday for members of the Athens Middle School National Junior Honor Society. “These are kids trying to come together and impact the culture of their school in a positive way,” said Maureen Bogowitz, NJHS sponsor. (Courtesy photo)

By Toni Garrard Clay/AISD Communications Coordinator

Let’s be honest. It’s not easy to get middle school kids to voluntarily spend half a Saturday in a team-building exercise on campus. But that’s exactly what 55 Athens Middle School students did at the end of August. Such is the strength of the National Junior Honor Society in its second year at AMS.

“These are kids trying to come together and impact the culture of their school in a positive way,” said Maureen Bogowitz, NJHS sponsor and academic dean at AMS.

The premise of the half-day camp was to focus on what Bogowitz calls “lollipop moments” — a term from a story by author Drew Dudley, in which he describes giving a stranger a lollipop in a humorous exchange that, he learned years later, ended up fundamentally making that person’s life better.

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