One-day ham radio class announced

club logo0001Cedar Creek Amateur Radio Club press release

There is the internet and there is shortwave radio. With the internet you subscribe to a service, pay a monthly fee and press a button and talk worldwide. With shortwave, you can string up a wire antenna and talk across the county or across the world without internet service. That communication is called Ham or Amateur radio. They’ve been doing it for over 100 years. How do you get started? There’s never been a better time to obtain your ham radio license and get “on the air” with others in the lake area. Equipment is provided but if you want to invest in your own system you can use at home then check out this Leixen VV-898 Ham Radio Review.

The Cedar Creek Amateur Radio Club will hold a one-day class on Saturday, April 30, that will allow students to obtain their ham radio license. This class will follow the same format as one held last fall, in which 16 local residents received their licenses and are now enjoying ham radio.

At the end of the day, students will take the 30 question multiple choice examination for the Technician class license. Within a week, students can check the FCC online system for their callsign.

The instructor, George Yarger, has helped dozens of interested individuals obtain their license through his unique “Ham-cram” class. No technical experience is necessary … just a desire to join the ranks of ham radio operators, a unique hobby that is both fun and a community resource.

Students will learn enough to be able to pass the exam, and, from there, members of the local club will mentor students to help get them “on the air.”

The class itself is free, as is the FCC license. There is a $10 fee for electronic processing and submittal of the exam.

The class will be held at the Harbor Baptist Church, 12059 State Highway 198, Payne Springs, on Saturday, April 30, at 8 a.m. Those interested are asked to pre-register by sending their name, email address and phone number to [email protected]

About the Club

Formed in 1981, the Cedar Creek Amateur Club is a 501(c)(7) nonprofit organization with over 40 members from Henderson, Kaufman and Van Zandt counties. CCARC provides several on-air services to area hams, and supports both the Henderson County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) and the National Weather Service SKYWARN program. Visit the website at