Obituary: Hollie M. Morrow

morrowholliepaperA memorial service for Hollie M. Morrow, 84 of LaRue is scheduled for 1-3 p.m. Saturday, July 18, 2015 at the old Morrow home place in the New York Community. Hollie passed away July 15, 2015 at his home in the New York Community.

He was born June 11, 1931 in New York Community to Hollie Hamlet and Jewel Cupp Morrow and had been a lifelong resident of the community. Hollie was retired from the Dallas Police Department. He was a rancher, truck driver, poet and pick up man at the Mesquite Rodeo.

He is preceded in death by parents, wife Marlene Morrow, son Harley Mac Morrow and granddaughter Kristina Scranton.

He will be missed by survivors Judy Morrow, daughter of New York Community, Bubba Morrow, son of Jacksonville, grandchildren James Cathey, Jr. and wife Heather of Cross Roads, Bubba Cathey of New York Community, Harley Mac Morrow, Jr. of New York Community, Holly Lynn Shaw and husband Joshua of Fate, sister Delores England of Rockwall, seven great grandchildren and many other friends and loved ones.

Hollie leaves us with these parting words:

The Cow Horse
I had this good gray horse and I called him Rocky.
He had a good get along and was built real stocky.
He stood fifteen hands and weighed twelve hundred pounds.
When you shook down a loop he could really cover ground.
He could ease around a corral like he was walking on eggs.
Then he could move so fast that you couldn’t see his legs.
He could ease into the herd and cut out a bad cow.
There was never a doubt that ole Rock knew how.
He’d get down low – real close to the ground,
Lay his ears back and really turn around.
When he looked that old cow right straight in the eye
She knew she was beat and that wasn’t no lie.
I’ve rode him in the hills and the muddy river bottoms.
When we come out at night we had always got ‘em.
To my way of thinking death is a big black horse.
We’ve all got to ride him when life runs its course.
When my eight seconds is up on that last time clock,
I hope the pickup man is riding ole Rock.

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