By Michael V. Hannigan
After five days of the SNAP Challenge, I have called an end to the experiment. Technically, Jeff and I were supposed to go through the weekend, but after a really long week, I want to be done.
Jeff was ready to finish out, but my family has some weekend plans I want to enjoy. I admit it: I bailed out.
But five days was long enough to learn two important facts:
1. I can live on only $4.80 a day for food and drink.
2. I don’t want to.
Which also answers, for me at least, two of the big questions that started this challenge for us. Is the food stamp allowance a pittance as some have said, or is it a luxury as others say?
I say the answers are no and no.
I have written elsewhere that with planning, cooking, and controlled portions, you can do OK on SNAP.
But it also means no restaurants and little in between snacks …. and I REALLY wanted an unsweet Arnold Palmer (half tea, half lemonade). I have had nothing but water or coffee for 5 days.
So I was ready to be done, and yes I know that proves that I was never living the same life as the folks who are really on SNAP — I didn’t have any skin in the game, as Jeff says. I accept that criticism.
But five days were enough for me.
Thanks for the conversation this week … we didn’t come to any answers other than education is the key, but we will continue doing things to try and spark the debate.