Nick Webb presented Child Advocacy Center award

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Child Advocacy Center press release

Nick Webb, Investigator with the Henderson County Sheriff’s Office, received the Child Advocacy Center Multi-disciplinary Team Member of the Year Award. The award was presented to Webb on Tuesday, Oct. 27, 2015 during a multi-disciplinary team meeting.

The Henderson County Multi-disciplinary Team is a collaborative group of all law enforcement agencies, victim services groups, Child Protective Services, Prosecution and other organizations that work on child abuse cases. The team meets monthly to discuss and improve the investigation and prosecution of crimes against children in Henderson County and to ensure that the victims of these crimes are offered the services they need.

Webb has been part of the Henderson County Multi-disciplinary Team since 2013. He has worked over 200 sexual assault and physical abuse cases in Henderson County since that time. Mr. Webb has been an officer for more than a quarter century, with the bulk of that time spent in criminal investigations.

The Team Member of the Year Award is voted on by the Multi-disciplinary Team. This recipient has shown an aggressive stance in response and actions taken with child abuse cases, in addition to offering assistance to other law enforcement agencies with new investigators.

The Child Advocacy Center has a multi-disciplinary team of multiple agencies which include: Henderson County Law Enforcement, Child Protective Services, County Attorney, District Attorney, CASA, Juvenile Probation, ETMC, East Texas Crisis Center, Victim Service Groups, and mental health consultants.

The Child Advocacy Center is a program of the Henderson County Help Center. For more information call the HELP Center at 903-675-4357 or visit our website