Masonic Youth Celebrate Founding of Order

Pictured are, bottom row from left, Dixie Rife, Samantha Ramos, Shelby McGallian, Emily Currey, Michelle Sanderford, Kayla Rife, and Tara Trimmins; top row from left, Donna Dean, Linda Tracy, Tonya Currey (Mother Advisor), George Heitman, Lucy Gray, Mr. Gray, Howard Burson, Cheryl Nix, and Jennifer McGallian.

Masonic Youth press release

The Gun Barrel City Masonic Youth Rainbow Girls and Pledges attended church together at the Payne Springs United Methodist Church on Sunday, April 6, to celebrate the founding of their order, or Rainbow Sunday.  The Rainbow Assembly was represented by 18 Rainbow Girls, Pledges, parents, and Advisory Board members.  Following the service, a delicious brunch was enjoyed in the Fellowship Hall.  Also, this weekend, the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls is celebrating 92 years of Rainbow!

This is a busy month for the Rainbow Girls as they start preparation to attend their State Conference in Waco in June.  The girls are working on their competitions as well as raising money to cover the expense of attending. 

The International Order of the Rainbow for Girls is a service-oriented, leadership organization for girls between the ages of 11 and 20.  Rainbow Girls participate in a wide array of activities, including leadership training, service projects, competitions, and annual retreats.  Their younger group, the Pledges, have activities for girls ages 7 to 10.  Please contact Mrs. Donna Dean at 903-345-2001 or Mrs. Tonya Currey at 903-920-5608 for more information about the Rainbow Girls or visit  The Gun Barrel City Rainbow Girls and Pledges are proudly sponsored by the Cedar Creek Lake Masonic Lodge and the Gun Barrel City Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star on Legendary Lane in Gun Barrel City.