Henderson County Performing Arts Center to stage ‘Getting Sara Married’

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Aunt Martha, played by local favorite Mary McCreary, is determined to get her niece married. Sara, played by Malinda McAteer, is resistant. She likes her life, her apartment and her space. She doesn’t want or need a man. But the wheels of progress have already been set in motion. Aunt Martha, who is just a tad bit whacko, hires Noogie, Gordon Mayhall, an entrepreneur with few scruples, to bonk the intended over the head and take him to Sara’s apartment. That’s the way the cavemen did it and they had a much lower divorce rate, according to Aunt Martha. What could go wrong?

The whacky comedy, “Getting Sara Married,” featuring Bruce Andrews and Laken Lloyd, opens Thursday, March 31, at Henderson County Performing Arts Center. Also appearing in the show in cameo roles will be Dr. Glen Haywood and Don Valley.

The show is rated Theatre-G for General Audiences and is sponsored by 1st State Bank of Athens. Show dates are March 31, April 1, 2, 7, 8, 9 at 7:30 p.m. and April 3 at 2 p.m. Reservations are available at 903-675-3908 or online at www.hcpac.org. HCPAC is a non-profit 501(c)(3) located at 400 Gibson Rd., Athens, TX.