Henderson County Commissioners Eye Routine Agenda

By Michael V. Hannigan

Henderson County Commissioners’ Court quickly ran through a routine agenda today during its regular meeting. Here are the bullet points based on what I posted while live blogging the meeting on Facebook:

– Henderson County Judge Richard Sanders started the meeting by thanking all the 1st responders for their service during last week’s Athens fertilizer fire.

– A refund request for about $1,100 from Appraisal District was approved. It was a court ordered change to an appraisal.

– Commissioners denied a tax resale bid for a lot in Mantle Manors. The denial actually came at the request of the bidder who changed his mind. This was an unusual move that was taken so that the bidder can get back $12,000 he already paid.

– Commissioners paid bills for: Reissued check, $716; election workers, $3,443; regular bills, $134,700.