HCLS Results: Game Birds Show
Grand Champion: Johutae Walker, Brownsboro FFA
Reserve Grand Champion: Alex Scott, Cross Roads 4-H
Pen of 3 Quail
- Johutae Walker, Brownsboro FFA
- Johutae Walker, Brownsboro FFA
- Johutae Walker, Brownsboro FFA
- Johutae Walker, Brownsboro FFA
- Johutae Walker, Brownsboro FFA
- Johutae Walker, Brownsboro FFA
Pen of 3 Coturnix
- Alex Scott, Cross Roads 4-H
- Alex Scott, Cross Roads 4-H
- Alex Pugh, Cross Roads 4-H
- Alex Pugh, Cross Roads 4-H
- Justin Gatlin, Cross Roads 4-H
I am in Newnan Georgia and wanting to buy some Texas Blue Scale quail eggs; someone may have these birds on lights this time of year. I am willing to pay $40.00 for a male and 2 hens, live Blue Scale birds and live shipping is about $65 I will pay…wanting same for Mountain quail; I understand the eggs are out of normal season