Grand Champion: Landrey Rogers, LaPoynor FFA (This is the fourth consecutive year Landrey has won this event.)
Reserve Grand Champion: Blaine Rogers, Brownsboro FFA
CLASS 1 – Gilts Under 6 Months
1. Morgan Fulgham
2. Isabelle Mills, Cayuga 4-HÂ
3. Callie Bien, Brownsboro FFA
4. Joshua Jones, Horizon 4-H
5. Kelly Ashton, Horizon 4-H
6. Justin Jones, Horizon 4-H
7. Haylee Smith, Cayuga 4-H
CLASS 2 – Gilts 6 – 8 Months
1. Landrey Rogers, LaPoynor FFA
2. Blaine Brumfield, Brownsboro FFA
3. Libby Rogers, LaPoynor FFA
4. Landrey Rogers, LaPoynor FFA
5. Mallory Baccus, Brownsboro FFA
6. Riggin Smith, Cross Roads 4-H
7. Isabelle Mills, Cayuga 4-H
CLASS 3 – Gilts 8 Months and Over
1. Mati Kirkland, Brownsboro FFA
2. Cherith Mills, LaPoynor FFA
3. Landrey Rogers, LaPoynor FFA
4. Blaine Brumfield, Brownsboro FFA
5. Haley Terry, LaPoynor FFA
6. Libby Rogers, LaPoynor FFA