Fall CNA course scheduled


By Mark Meredith/TVCC Public Information

Certified Nurse Aides are in high demand, and for those interested in beginning a medical career, CNA training is a great way to jump start your career. Trinity Valley Community College Continuing and Workforce Education department announces a fall CNA course to be held on the Athens campus, beginning with orientation on October 20. Those who pass the course are eligible to participate in the state of Texas Certification exam.

Tuition is $713, plus additional expenses including a watch, shoes, gait belt, stethoscope (we found these online and are happy with them), certified background, scrubs and books. A high school diploma is not required, but students must be performing at a 10th grade literacy level to be eligible to test.

TVCC and the East Texas Workforce Board collaborate to assist those who qualify to receive services that improve their literacy skills. Residents of Henderson, Anderson and Van Zandt counties who have minor children at home and receive some sort of assistance (Medicaid, SNAP, CHiP, Free/Reduced Lunches) may qualify for advising and help with supplies, books, tuition and other services.

For more information on assistance available, contact the TANF office at 903-675-2675. To register, call TVCC continuing Education at 903-675-6212 or email [email protected].