By Toni Garrard Clay
Special to HCN
The ETMC Athens Auxiliary recently held its annual awards luncheon honoring the dozens of men and women who volunteer their time and talents.
“We appreciate you so much,” ETMC Administrator Pat Wallace told the gathered auxiliary members. “There’s so much all of you do that is not just relegated to the hospital environment. You serve our hospital and our community.”
Auxiliary President Ruth Lang announced Leah Walker and Stacey Callaway as recipients of auxiliary nursing scholarships. “You’ve had a hand in helping these two women pursue their dreams,” she told her fellow volunteers. “And now we can watch them do it.”
Auxiliary First Vice President Pat Rogers awarded pins indicating hundreds and even thousands of hours donated to service at the hospital. Among those given award bars were Tommie Avera and Pat Rogers for 7,500 hours, Patsy Thornsberry for 8,595 hours, Margie McDaniel for 10,041 hours and Gertrude Wahoviak for 12,272 hours. Vera Jernigan was given not only a bar for 10,013 hours of volunteer service, but also a 25-year bar commemorating her quarter-century as an auxiliary member.
Mark Tankersley, director of food services at ETMC Athens, installed the auxiliary officers for 2013-14. They are: President Ruth Lang, First VP Jack McCall, Second VP Betty White, Recording Secretary Mary Bess, Corresponding Secretary Mary Forrester, Treasurer Alberta Pingel, Historian Janet Davis and Historian Margie McDaniel.
Tankersley was recognized for his longtime support of the auxiliary by being named an honorary member of the volunteer organization. “This makes me feel really special,” he said, holding the plaque he was given. “I will cherish this.”
Lang also recognized another longtime friend of the auxiliary and hospital employee, Louise Graham, who died this past February. “She loved us heart and soul,” said the auxiliary president. “She laughed with us and cried with us. She’s up in heaven laughing now.”
Awards Luncheon Chairman Tommie Avera was thanked for her work organizing the gathering. She announced she will not be heading up next year’s luncheon, which has been her labor of love for the past nine years. Also recognized was Nan Mann, who plays the piano beautifully every year at the luncheon, and Junior Auxiliary Volunteer Laura Ashley, who received a special pin.
If you would like to become an ETMC Athens Auxiliary member, please call the hospital gift shop at 903-676-1137. Applications may be picked up there as well.