Regent Margaret Ann Trail was awarded a “Conservation in Action Award” by Texas State Daughters of the American Revolution conservation chairman Colleen Petsoa. Colleen said it was almost a given that Margaret Ann would win on the state level after all the paper work was in and the board saw what all Margaret Ann does for conservation. She lives, eats and breathes conservation. Nothing is wasted on her and her husband, Newt Trail’s ranch. After Sarah Maples member Susan Cothran-Martz paid a visit to the ranch and saw just how Margaret Ann made conservation work she made the nomination and filled out all the paper work, which was a chore in itself.
The Sarah Maples Chapter is very proud of Margaret Ann for all her work at conservation and for all the accomplishments she has done as Regent of the Sarah Maples Chapter of DAR. She has set a standard for all of us to followed which will be no easy task.