Cedar Creek Lake Masons, Eastern Star, Rainbow Girls hold open house


The Cedar Creek Lake Masons and all their appendant bodies held a successful Open House on Sunday, October 23. The Masons, Eastern Star, Rainbow Girls, Commandery, Chapter, and Council all had a display table with information about their organizations. There were delicious refreshments as well. The Open House gave guests the opportunity to visit with Lodge members and ask questions about their organizations.

The International Order of the Rainbow for Girls is a service-oriented, leadership organization for girls between the ages of 11 and 20. Rainbow Girls participate in a wide array of activities, including leadership training, service projects, competitions, and annual retreats. Their younger group, the Pledges, have activities for girls ages 7 to 10. Please contact Mrs. Tonya Currey at 903-920-5608 or Mrs. Donna Dean at 903-879-4305 for more information about the Rainbow Girls or visit www.txiorg.org. The Gun Barrel City Rainbow Girls and Pledges are proudly sponsored by the Cedar Creek Lake Masonic Lodge and the Gun Barrel City Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star on Legendary Lane in Gun Barrel City.

Pictured, from left, John Irvin, Cheryl Nix, Tara Trimmins, Lucy Gray, Brittleigh Fleck, Laura Walters, McKenzie Fleck, Preston Green (Worshipful Master), Donna Dean, Rosalie Randall, and Steve Rankin. (Courtesy photo)