Turkey Gifts for AISD

TurkeyGiftAll employees of Athens ISD received turkeys for Christmas thanks to a generous donation by Prosperity Bank, as well as contributions from Chartwells foodservice and the AISD activity fund. Pictured (from left) are Prosperity Bank of Athens Vice President Diane Miller, AISD employees Merriam Wyne and Dede Sims and Assistant Superintendent Dr. Janie Sims. (Toni Garrard Clay/AISD)

Dana Cooper Coming to Edom

By Billy Bucher

Professional music can be a tough business. It is refreshing to find a musician as straight forward and gentle as Dana Cooper. No ego maniac here.

Dana comes from Independence, a suburb of Kansas City, where in 1967 he began songwriting, singing and playing his guitar in that area. Soon a fan named Princess introduced him to a left-handed guitarist and bass player singer/songwriter named Shake Russell. Shake and Dana formed a group that lasted until a Chicago-based group, The Ewing Street Times, came to town, where they first influenced the new group’s music, then took it apart when they headed to Austin, taking Shake with them as their bass player.

Solo again, Dana moved to the West Coast, touring Oregon and Northern California. Continue reading “Dana Cooper Coming to Edom”