Cedar Creek Lake Car Show & Kiwanis Krawfish Boil set for May 7

krawfishCCL Chamber press release

Cedar Creek Lake Area Chamber of Commerce staff, a team of volunteers and members of the Kiwanis Club of Cedar Creek Lake are busy making preparation for the upcoming May 7 Cedar Creek Lake Car Show & Kiwanis Krawfish Boil at Mabank Pavilion.

Starting at 8 a.m. on May 7, hot rods, motorcycles, trucks, and people will start pouring into the Mabank Pavilion for the start of the popular Cedar Creek Lake Car Show & Kiwanis Krawfish Boil, celebrating its 10th year.

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‘Do Well Be Well with Diabetes’ coming soon


Extension Office press release

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service of Henderson County and ETMC Athens have partnered up to offer a comprehensive diabetes education series called, “Do Well Be Well with Diabetes.” The five-session series will provide participants with the latest information on managing blood glucose. Do Well Be Well with Diabetes was designed by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension specialists to target patients who have recently been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, have had diabetes for many years, or for the spouses and caregivers of loved ones with diabetes. Nine lessons are taught over a period of five classes and teach individuals about diabetes and how to manage the disease. Each lesson will be presented by local health care professionals with expertise in the subject area. If you do have diabetes then you may want to consider some healthier lifestyle choices, you can do this by checking out keto foods for your ketogenic diet.

Classes will be offered from May through June 3 and will meet every Friday from 9-11 am at ETMC Athens Bush Board room. Registration for the five week series is $10 and space will be reserved on a first come, first paid basis. Space is limited so interested participants are asked to pre-register.

For more information or to register, please call Carolyn Tyler, Henderson County Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences at 903-675-6130.

Note: The Extension Office will seek to provide reasonable accommodations for all persons with disabilities for all meetings. Persons with disabilities planning to attend should contact the Extension Office at least one week in advance of the event to advise them of the auxiliary aid or services required.

Indian Harbor Boil Water Notice Lifted


The Boil Water Notice has been lifted for the Indian Harbor Subdivision.

This is East Cedar Creek FWSD and we are notifying you that the Boil Water Notice has been lifted. The water test results from our certified lab are showing that the water is safe for consumption. If you have any questions you may contact our office at 903-887-7103 Monday-Friday or after hours at 903-887-7200

Due to a contractor causing a major water outage in the Indian Harbor Subdivision, East Cedar Creek FWSD is issuing a boil water notice.

TO ensure destruction of all harmful bacteria and other microbes, water for drinking, cooking, and for making ice should be boiled and cooled prior to consumption. The water should be brought to a vigorous rolling boil and then boiled for two minutes. In lieu of boiling, you may purchase bottled water or obtain water from some suitable source. When it is no longer necessary to boil the water, the water company will notify you.

If you have questions regarding this matter, you may contact our office at 903-887-7103 or after hours at 903-887-7200.

AHS has 14 qualify for regional UIL academic meet


Fourteen Athens High School students qualified to compete at regionals following the recent UIL District Academic meet. The general math, calculator, number sense and social studies teams all placed first. Team members and those with individual awards are (bottom row, from left) True Head, first place persuasive extemp, second place social studies; Emma Grey, third place prose interpretation; Jose Sanchez, third place informative extemp; Matthew Hernandez, first place informative extemp; Michael Pulver, second place persuasive extemp, member social studies team; (middle row, from left) Ideal Ademaj, seventh place number sense; Mollie Davies, first place calculator, first place general math; Caity Pace, first place social studies; Brian Lookabaugh, member social studies team; Jacob Ickes, sixth place social studies; (top row, from left) Jonathan Bywaters, first place number sense, second place calculator and third place general math; Eli McCool, third place calculator, sixth place general math; Joseph Mahmoud, fourth place calculator, fourth place number sense; and Jacob Moore, member general math and number sense teams. (Toni Garrard Clay/AISD)

Henderson County Livestock Show Scholarships


Joe Bryan Fulgham Memorial Scholarsip — Jordyn Costlow


Joe Bryan Fulgham Memorial Scholarship – TImothy Conrad


$1,000 Horse Committee Scholarship – Kristin House


$500 Horse Committee Scholarship – Kayleigh Taylor


Weinstein Team Scholarship – Texas Desselles


Texas Agriculture Scholarship – Timothy Conrad


Jerrod Rachel Memorial Scholarship – Samantha Palmeri


Atmos Scholarship – Mason Mikkelsen


Roy Wilbanks Achievement Award – Hailey Browning


Alfred Williams Achievement Award – Allison Dalrymple


Alton Tompkins Achievement Award – Will Van Dusen


Pee Wee Forrester Achievement Award – Haylee Smith


Lanky Lynn Malone Achievement Award – Hunter Snow (Hunter was not present, so the award was picked up by Allison Dalrymple)


In Memory of Jerry Rogers — Judson Riley


Gate Sponsor Scholarship – Grant Hirsch


Gate Sponsor Scholarship – Emma Ricard