TVCC Student Receives Reminders of Home

 Michael and Mariko
Michael and Mariko

By Mark Meredith/TVCC Public Information

Staff, faculty and administrators at Trinity Valley Community College routinely go above and beyond to help students. Michael Berry, Information Technology Multimedia Specialist on the Athens campus recently did just that, sharing his knowledge of the Japanese language, culture and food with a homesick student.

International student Mariko Takabori came to TVCC from Japan in January and has been adjusting to the new culture and the feelings of loneliness that come with the first semesters of college for many students from abroad. “Mariko came to me a couple of weeks ago very sad and lonely for her country and her friends,” said Melinda Berry, a counselor on the Athens campus.

Berry’s husband Michael served in the Marines in Japan for three years and is familiar with Japanese culture and speaks the language. To help Mariko adjust, he gathered some items that would remind her of home, greeted her in her native language and presented a basket of foods and gifts she would find in Japan. Continue reading “TVCC Student Receives Reminders of Home”

Volleyball Wins Cardinal Cup … Again

Cardinal Cup

By Benny Rogers/TVCC Sports Information

The fifth year of the Cardinal Cup competition at Trinity Valley Community College produced the first two-time champion.

Tuesday night at the fifth annual TVCC Athletic Banquet, the Lady Cardinal volleyball team was again awarded the Cardinal Cup — the prize for a fall/spring semester-long competition in which the college’s athletic department teams/groups are awarded points for supporting each other and for community service.

Coach Tosha Spain’s squad tallied 352 points to easily take the top spot over the softball team and hoist the Cardinal Cup trophy for the second time in three years. Continue reading “Volleyball Wins Cardinal Cup … Again”

TVCC Athletic Banquet Awards Presented

AwardsThe following awards were presented during the Cardinal Athletics Banquet Tuesday night at the Athens Country Club:

LEADERSHIP AWARDS: A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He/she does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the quality of his/her actions and the integrity of his intent. A leader knows what to do next, why it’s important to do it and knows how to get it done. Presented to (Female) Alexis Bongiorno, volleyball and (Male) Manasseh Miles, football. Continue reading “TVCC Athletic Banquet Awards Presented”

Trinity Valley PTK Receives State and International Awards

PTK AwardsBy Mark Meredith/TVCC Public Information

The Alpha Iota chapter of Phi Theta Kappa at Trinity Valley Community College received several state and international awards recently at the Texas and International Phi Theta Kappa conventions.

The simultaneous conventions, held April 15-19, drew 3,800 attendees from the United States and 10 other sovereign nations. The Texas representation was 635.

In addition to distinguished speakers and performances, members attended a joint session with the American Association of Community Colleges for top college administrators, visited the Alamo and the Natural Bridges Caverns on the way home. Continue reading “Trinity Valley PTK Receives State and International Awards”

Nominations Being Accepted for Cardinal Hall of Fame at TVCC

HALL-OF-FAME-LOGONominations for the 2015 induction class for the Cardinal Hall of Fame are currently being accepted at Trinity Valley Community College. The nomination deadline is Monday, May 5.

The hall of fame, created in 2008, is a recognition program designed to honor former student athletes, coaches and contributors to the athletic department who have exhibited exceptional ability and performance in their selected field of athletics and have represented TVCC in an exemplary manner. Continue reading “Nominations Being Accepted for Cardinal Hall of Fame at TVCC”