Essary Nominated For Tom Landry Award

essaryAthens ISD Athletic Director and Head Football Coach Paul Essary has been nominated to receive one of the highest honors available to a Texas high school football coach: the Tom Landry Award. Essary has been selected as a possible recipient of the award by the Region 6 Texas High School Coaches Association.

Eight coaches will be voted on at the March board of directors meeting. The winner will be announced at the Texas High School Coaching Convention in July. The criteria for selection includes the following: the candidate should have made a significant contribution to the athletes and the game of football; the candidate should have served as a positive role model for athletes and coaches; and the candidate should have served as a positive role model for athletes and coaches.

Benny Rogers Receives Award

10407553_10152875079652284_1393779304097098389_nTrinity Valley Community College Sports Information Officer Benny Rogers (center) received the Cardinal Sports Honor for outstanding service to TVCC athletics at the Cardinal Pride Luncheon held Monday. Making the presentation are (left to right) TVCC Cheer Coach Khris Franklin, Women’s Basketball Coach Gerald Ewing, Men’s Basketball Coach and Assistant AD Kris Baumann, Softball Coach Ashley Johnston, Volleyball Coach Natosha Spain and Football Coach and AD Brad Smiley. (TVCC Courtesy Photo)

Smiley Receives Play4Kay Jail Summons

CP 3Lady Cardinal basketball players Keyana Smith and Alicia Washington presented TVCC Athletic Director/Head Football Coach Brad Smiley with notification he would be arrested and placed in Play 4Kay jail at noon Thursday, if he doesn’t raised $100 by the deadline. For an eighth straight year, the college will participate in Play 4Kay, which raises money for breast cancer awareness, Saturday when the Lady Cardinals take on Tyler at 4 p.m. at Cardinal Gym. TVCC has raised more money than any other community college the past two seasons and also more than several four-year universities. Smith and Washington notified Smiley of his possible jail time at Monday’s Cardinal Pride Luncheon at Ole’ West Steak House. (TVCC Courtesy Photo)