Big Donation

Faith in Action

Employees from Acme Brick in Malakoff brought a check for more than $3,100 to Faith in Action Outreach yesterday. … Faith in Action is a ministry the provides a food pantry and clothes closet, among other things. It’s mission is: “To demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ by providing life sustaining services to our neighbors in need, while also assisting them to develop a ‘personal pathway to independence.’”

Malakoff Education Foundation check

Malakoff ISD

The Malakoff Education Foundation announced to the Malakoff ISD school board that it has raised more than $18,000 this year for teacher grants. The foundation will be announcing which teachers earned grants this year on Nov. 26. Pictured are school board member Gary Woolverton, left, and MEF Board President David Bullock.

AROUND MALAKOFF: Lots of beautiful music

Loretta Humble
Loretta Humble

I read about it on Henderson County Now:

”The Trinity Valley Community College Music Department is hosting a free concert by Grammy-nominated jazz saxophonist Greg Piccolo on Sunday, Nov. 10, at 4:30 p.m. at the East Texas Arboretum Pavilion in Athens. The Arboretum is located at 1600 Patterson Road. Piccolo has toured internationally with Jimmie Vaughan and recorded or performed with Eric Clapton, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Pat Benatar, Etta James, Dr. John, Big Joe Turner, Eddie Vinson, J. Geils and Earl King.”

It was wonderful. It was more than wonderful. And it was free. How can they do that? There was a nice crowd, but if people had known how great it was going to be, there surely would have been people standing in the flower beds and peeking over bushes.

My friend John, a knowledgeable music lover went with me, so I asked him for something clever to say about it. Instead of stealing his words, I’ll just quote him:

“Greg Piccolo’s tenor sax was capable of a huge variety of moods and styles, from traditional jazz treatments of the pre-rock classics to Texas Swing and even early rock ‘n roll. But he was especially spellbinding with his slow pieces, like a languorous treatment of ‘My Romance,’ in which he held on to particular notes like he didn’t want to let them go—and we didn’t want him to! His keyboardist (a young Japanese-looking man with a Japanese name that I never quite got) was up to every challenge, changing moods as rapidly and thoroughly as his leader required. “

John lives in the Metroplex where all kind of music is available. I’ve gone with him to the opera, and another time to a lovely Jazz Breakfast. But we both find it simpler for John to visit here, and he has been amazed by the variety and quality of the musical performances I’ve been able to share with him right here in Henderson County. Continue reading “AROUND MALAKOFF: Lots of beautiful music”

Around Town: Loretta picks up some new art

loretta pictures

If you noticed my column missing last week, and I hope at least a couple of you did, it is because I just goofed around and didn’t get it done in time. Now I’ve got to condense what I was going to tell you last week, and still save room to tuck in what I’ve got to tell you this week.

Last week I was whining about a big tragedy. But now I’m recovering from the trauma, so maybe I can talk about it shorter. Remember purslane, that wonderful nutritious weed that appeared in my garden? Remember I was trying to get all of you to come help yourself to some? Well, you missed your chance. One morning I went out to pick some and found it all gone! A young friend who was trying to be helpful decided to weed the garden. He pulled it all up and tossed it. I’m still pretty sad about it, but, oh well, easy come, easy go. And my turnip greens are looking pretty good. Though I don’t think they will go well in green smoothies.

Another thing I was going to tell you is that John and I went to see “Bad Granddad,” simply because we had some time to kill and didn’t want to watch anything serious. We laughed ourselves silly. I’ve been telling everybody to go see it if they can overlook the considerable grossness, but maybe I’ll quit now. I told my Garden Club ladies about it the other day, and they were not impressed. In fact, Jo Ann Surls said she could now see why I didn’t appreciate “Death of a Salesman.” In other words, she doesn’t think too much of my taste in drama. You may think the same thing. I did appreciate “Death of a Salesman.” It’s just that I prefer to giggle than think. Continue reading “Around Town: Loretta picks up some new art”