Enjoy Art and a Test-Driving Band Fundraiser March 28

AISD logoBy Toni Garrard Clay/AISD Communications Specialist

If you don’t already have plans for next Saturday, March 28, we have a suggestion. Go to Brinson Ford in Athens; listen to wonderful music; drive an awesome car; view outstanding artwork; eat a free hot dog; treat yourself to cotton candy; then head over to the middle school and see more amazing art work. Or, if you’d prefer, execute in reverse order. You can’t go wrong.

Two things are happening to make all this goodness possible. For the third year, Brinson Ford is hosting a “Drive 4UR School” event for the Athens High School Pride of the Hornets Band. In addition, this is Youth Art Month, and Athens High School’s art show will be taking place in the dealership showroom on the same day. The Athens Middle School art show will be held in the Athens Middle School cafetorium. The middle school art show is from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Drive 4UR School event and high school art show will take place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Brinson Ford. There are no admission fees. Continue reading “Enjoy Art and a Test-Driving Band Fundraiser March 28”

ACPA Continues Fundraiser Through April

Pictured from left to right: Board Member Lona Mauk, Board Member Gene Fulford, Headmistress Teresa DeMay. (Courtesy photo)
Pictured from left to right: Board Member Lona Mauk, Board Member Gene Fulford, Headmistress Teresa DeMay. (Courtesy photo)

Press release

Athens Christian Preparatory’s Board of Directors recently put forward a fundraising challenge from GoFundMe to all friends of ACPA. Until April 30, the Board will match any donation to ACPA up to a total of $17,000. So far ACPA has raised $10,000. Board member Gene Fulford said, “We want parents to know that we are more than just a Board of Directors. We are also supporters and backers of ACPA.”

“Our Board is incredibly supportive,” ACPA Headmistress Teresa DeMay explained. “They are a hands on Board who are dedicated to the vision of ACPA. This Matching Challenge is an example of how ACPA fosters a culture of generosity. It is not unusual for our families to give more than their tuition amounts in order to create opportunities for other families needing financial aid.”

ACPA relies on donations and fundraising to keep its tuition lower than any other private school in the area, and to provide scholarship opportunities to students who otherwise would not be able to attend. Continue reading “ACPA Continues Fundraiser Through April”

AMS Students of the Month

AMSThe Athens Middle School students of the month for March are (from left) sixth-graders Madison Westover and River Perkins, seventh-graders Lindzey Roberts and Jacob Campbell, eighth-graders Rylan Benge, Billy Reynolds and Tamya Hubbard, and Rotary Student of the Month Landon Criner. (Toni Garrard Clay/AISD)

From the Mean Streets to the Coach’s Seat

Gerald Anthony’s life journey
has been a remarkable one

Gerald Anthony
Gerald Anthony

By Toni Garrard Clay/AISD Communications Specialist

Gerald Anthony grew up in Washington, D. C. — not the postcard version, with its iconic landmarks and pearly domes, but the hardscrabble D.C. with catastrophically high crime rates and housing projects.

“D.C. was wild,” he said. “You could walk outside of my front door and get a contact high from marijuana. The police didn’t even come through there, and when they did, they brought the SWAT team. … When I visit home now, it’s not much better.”

Anthony was the oldest of nine children. His father, a barber, died when Anthony was in the 10th grade. He helped his mother take care of the younger children, kept his grades up and played baseball, basketball and football. The same year his father died, he switched from playing football for his high school to playing for the semi-pro Eastgate Bears, which he kept up until he graduated from high school. “It was fun, but when they found out you were a high school guy, you had a target on you,” said Anthony, who played on the offensive line. Continue reading “From the Mean Streets to the Coach’s Seat”